Art of the 7th Lily

Nov 25, 2024

Have you ever experienced moments where you found yourself praying for ways out of a situation, or rather, many situations? Trying to see the way through the trees — seeking guidance that gives clarity to direct your path? They can look like financial breakthroughs, goals, or ambitions we’d like to achieve, healing, mending relationship troubles, the release of past scenarios, and so on. Sometimes, when we ask for things in prayer, we can, but not always, tend to believe that we shouldn’t move forward without receiving some sort of sign! 

Faith Without Action is Meaningless | Art of the 7th Lily

And that’s all well and good. However, there’s another concept to ponder.

Do we ever consider prayer (to request) and meditation (to receive enlightenment/guidance) as the first steps in the process?

Hold on. Do you mean to tell me there’s more?

But then, what would be the next step?

Have faith and take action!

You can’t plan to win a chess game if you’re unwilling to move a piece on the board. You may know the game well and are confident in your skills. But if you’re reluctant to participate (to act), the game never goes anywhere.

Yes, many of us believe in a higher power (Spirit, God, Creator, etc.), hoping that the Creative Forces will make everything better without us lifting a finger. That would be ideal and a fantastic realm to be in, right? But just as we have been created from these forces — so too are we called to be creators and shift our realities by the words, thoughts, actions, and deeds that we are willing to apply in our lives with the intentional energy we put behind them.

It is written that “…faith without works is dead.” (James 2:20)

Read that part ONE MORE time!

To me…it means…you can have all the faith in the Divine/Higher Power to bring what you seek to fruition. But if you’re unwilling to apply the effort (meaning, the work that’s needed in the physical plain), it’s a done deal. Nothing moves or shifts without your participation in “working” with the Divine.

Think on this for a second…

In all relationships, even with the Creator — it takes two to tango! Two to take part. Right?

Let me try to paint this picture…

Faith Without Action is Meaningless | Art of the 7th Lily

You just got a new apartment, and you’re totally geeked. However, you need help packing and moving from the former location to the new one. So, you call your bestie and ask for help to pack and schedule a moving day.

So, the day comes when your bestie shows up — right on time as planned. You’re so elated and grateful…as you should be! But rather than jump in and “work” with your bestie, you sit down and appoint directions on how they should pack your belongings in boxes, label and organize them, haul all the boxes to the moving truck, and drive the truck to the new spot. Let’s not forget that you also expect them to unpack everything and put it away for you in your new digs.

So, you’re not willing to contribute your effort — but rather have the other party do all the leg work while you do nothing?


Is that fair? Would you personally want to be treated that way? Who would? Answer — absolutely no one!

The Creative Forces (Divine/Higher Power) are no different. It’s a partnership. Spirit, the Universe, and Creation have their parts to play, like we have ours to fulfill.

This is how we co-create with the Creative Forces and the Divine.

Spirit is waiting for you on the dance floor with the record spinning, ready to partner up to dance the foxtrot. Do you want to dance? Follow their lead.

This brings me to another factor that should be considered…

There is such a thing about listening to your “inner heart space” — your intuition or what some call “spirit of discernment” — which is highly essential within the principle of acting from a place of faith. And I do mean highly.

There’s a difference between selfishly wanting and/or desiring something for the sole principle of fulfilling status, riches, and old-fashioned aristocracy. We must first ask ourselves the true purpose of what we seek to obtain.

Be transparent! Be honest with yourself!

Is it selfish gain? Or is it from the love, joy, and adventure of the pursuit of your soul’s calling? There is a difference.

That’s genuinely the first step.

Faith Without Action is Meaningless | Art of the 7th Lily

Then ask yourself, do you have faith in what you’re hoping for? Does it truly feel that it’s meant for you?

Simply put…do you believe?

Even though there may be potential reserved fears of the road being long, winding, and clouded…do you have faith and trust in the Creative Forces and yourself to take the necessary action moving forward, regardless of the outcome?

No doubt there might be some detouring on the journey. No path is seldom straight or without bumps and potholes. But that’s the point — it’s a journey! Journeys are meant to be adventurous, riddled with learning experiences, encountering beasts in the forest, figuring out how to fish to eat, choosing what direction to take at a crossroads, and endless possibilities for your own personal growth along the way.

It may not unfold as you’ve imagined, but it may turn out even better than you ever hoped for.

But you’ll never know unless you have faith and participate in the work necessary to get there.